Why does NIC use an online engagement platform?

It is an effective way to connect with the people in the communities we serve and to get their feedback on plans and projects at the college. 

This site provides a convenient way to:

  •  Share your thoughts
  •  Give input when it suits you
  •  See what other community members think
  •  Engage in discussions


How do I provide input?

Once signed in, you can participate in surveys, polls, discussions or forums posted on any featured project or strategic plan.

NOTE: All comments you make through this site become public record.


Why do I need to sign in to give input?

A simple, one-time registration process is considered standard and best practice for enabling participation in online platforms.


Can I use this site anonymously?

Yes, if you sign in with an anonymous screen name.


How do I sign in?

Registration is quick and is only required once:

  •  Click the "sign in" button and select "register" 
  •  Provide your email address
  •  Create a password
  •  Choose a screen name (username) 
    • an anonymous name, if desired
    • your comments will appear under your screen name
  •  Respond to the confirmation email to activate your account 
  •  Return to the main page and click the "sign in” button

Your email address is not revealed to anyone other than the administrators who manage the site and the platform host, Granicus. Granicus is a leading engagement technology provider and is fully compliant with federal and provincial privacy laws.


What happens to my feedback?

The input we receive helps NIC better understand the opinions and concerns of people throughout the region.

Public input is weighed with other factors, such as NIC policies, technical constraints, legal requirements and cost.

In some cases, input may have limited influence on decisions – due to legal or public safety issues, for example – while in other cases, input can have a significant influence.


Is my privacy protected?

Yes, your email address is only used by NIC to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. 


How is this site moderated?

Moderation is primarily carried out by Granicus. Moderators do not edit or alter comments but will remove comments immediately if they are deemed to be significantly offensive or malicious.


Who can I contact about this site?

If you have questions or comments about this site, please email us at communications@nic.bc.ca