We're Building Homes for NIC Students
Welcome to the NIC Student Housing Commons project page. This page will follow the build of NIC’s first on-campus housing project, being constructed at the Comox Valley campus.
The Student Housing Commons will be multi-generational, inclusive, accessible, Indigenized, welcoming space for all students.
We thank the K’ómoks First Nation for their guidance, input and continued participation in the student housing sub-committees.
Ask a question
We have provided answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You can also submit other questions below.
Why are you building student housing?
Finding stable housing has been consistently identified by students as a major barrier to education. On-campus housing will provide students from across the region with a supportive place to live and learn while they study. The last rental market statistics collected for the Comox Valley (CMHC, Oct. 2022) showed an incredibly tight 0.3% vacancy rate.
What types of housing will be available?
NIC’s Student Housing Commons will reflect the needs of NIC students. This includes a dedicated family housing building and short-term rentals for trades students completing apprenticeship training.
How was the site selected?
This site was selected based on a number of criteria including size, infrastructure servicing, proximity to non-campus services and businesses. It aligns with the existing campus layout, and the K’ómoks First Nation did not find any trees of significance on the site.
How many rooms/buildings will there be?
There will two buildings – two large, connected wings for independent students and 20 units for families in a separate building. In total, there will be 217 beds in a variety of layouts including quad, single and nano suites, and 20 family units.
Will there be general common spaces for students?
Yes, there will be common social and study areas on each floor, which include common eating and food prep areas.
What sustainability benchmarks are you using for this project?
This project will use mass timber elements and will meet Step 4 of the BC Energy Code Step Code – the highest step in the code for commercial buildings. The design also includes low water consumption through low-flow fixtures and using grey water for landscape irrigation. Additionally, the all-electric mechanical systems use a combination of renewable solar power and low carbon power to create an extremely low operational carbon footprint.
What does Step 4 mean?
Step 4 is the top ladder rung in the energy use requirements for commercial buildings in BC. It means there will be an 80% reduction in energy use from the standard building code.
What is Mass Timber?
Mass Timber is the use of engineered wood products to replace concrete and steel in structural elements. Using Mass Timber meets BC’s Wood First Initiative for public post-secondary education. For this project, mass timber is used in the large communal spaces and is exposed within the interconnected spaces. The use of local BC wood framing and mass timber structure reduces energy expenditure and greenhouse gas for transport and manufacturing, while also serving as a carbon sequestering material.
How will the student housing build impact parking?
During the build, the small parking lot near Ryan Road, containing 22 spots, will be removed. The removal of these spots can be absorbed in Lots A and B. We will also be adjusting the layouts in Lots A and B to add 60 additional spaces. Parking capacity will continue to be monitored.
Where will construction crews park during the build?
Construction crews are expected to park in the back of Lot B. We do not expect a significant impact to parking, as there are enough spaces in Lots A & B to accommodate the increased number of vehicles.
Will there be dedicated parking for students living on campus?
The number of parking stalls for the build can be accommodated with the realignment work taking place in Lots A and B. We are currently evaluating parking signage, including if designated parking areas are needed and where they would be.
How will traffic flow be managed during construction?
The design-build team has a traffic safety plan in place. We do not expect major disruptions to traffic, but there may be some delays. Work will also be done to improve traffic flow between NIC’s parking lots to help drivers navigate the campus parking lots while construction is underway. Construction crews will be parking in the back gravel area of Lot B.
What about bus schedules?
We are working with BC Transit to minimize impact to transit schedules.
Will the NIC Student Housing Commons include active transportation?
Yes, the design includes a large bicycle storage area and EV chargers, along with a network of pathways running through the grounds.
Are you looking at ways to increase transit capacity to the Comox Valley campus or between campuses in Campbell River and the Comox Valley to help commuting students?
We are in conversation with BC Transit to support the needs of students and employees. They have already made some changes in their schedule and drop-off/pick-up to improve connections between Campbell River and the Comox Valley. We are also exploring student mobility and transportation solutions between campuses.
How many trees will be felled?
The siting of the project is designed to protect as many trees on the site as possible. We estimate 227 trees will need to come down. NIC will replace trees at a 1:1.5 ratio, meaning more than 300 trees will be planted on campus over time.
When will the trees come down?
The timing of tree removal will be in Feb-March of 2023 and is timed to reduce the impact on any nesting birds.
What will happen to the felled trees?
The K’ómoks First Nation will have access to the felled trees. Any remaining will go to NIC and local secondary school trades.
Are there any protected trees on site?
K’ómoks First Nation has walked the site and did not identify any trees of significance.
Once the trees come down, how long until construction begins?
Site preparation will take place throughout Spring 2023. We expect excavation on the site to begin over the summer, with the foundation being poured in Fall 2023.
When will housing open?
Student housing is expected to open in Fall 2025.
When do you expect to start accepting applications?
We anticipate beginning to accept applications in early 2025.
How much will rent be?
The financial goal for NIC’s Housing Commons is to remain affordable for students while allowing the commons operations to be self-sustaining. Exact rental rates will be confirmed closer to the opening. Rental rates for student housing will be all-inclusive, including furniture, electricity, gas, water/sewer, trash service and reliable wi-fi.